Any spill of contaminated or hazardous material can be detrimental to our environment, and must be managed and controlled quickly regardless of the spill size.

As part of our commitment to environmental protection, we have robust procedures for the prevention, minimisation, and management of spills, and we operate a 24/7 rapid response service to ensure that any environmental impact is controlled efficiently and effectively.

All of our service vehicles are equipped with spill response kits to manage small to medium sized spills, and we stock larger spill management equipment including bunds and containment booms for larger spills.

Our large fleet of vacuum units is available to suck up all spilled material, and safely dispose of it at an approved disposal facility. If you witness a spill of any potentially contaminated or hazardous material, please give us a call immediately, or contact your local environment authority for further instructions (see below).

Auckland: Auckland Council Pollution Hotline - 09 377 3107
Whangarei: Whangarei District Council - 0800 932 463
Waikato: Environment Waikato - 07 859 0998
Christchurch: Pollution Hotline - 03 366 4663 or 0800 76 55 88
Dunedin: Dunedin City Council - 03 477 4000 or the Otago Regional Council - 0800 800 033